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What our clients are saying about us
We moved our web site to TUXG Hosting in April 2008. This association has played an important role in successful communication exchange with our donors. They are one of the best companies to offer secure Joomla hosting. We are proud to be associated with and have our services represented by a company of such high calibre.

ArunKumar K Mohanty, Director - AMG INDIA INTERNATIONAL
Our site is an e-zine in Telugu language on arts and artists. We got our site developed and hosted by TUXG Hosting in Oct, 2010. This Joomla hosting has been helping us a lot in managing the site ourselves easily. We render our heartful thanks to TUXG Hosting for helping us in timely launch of our e-zine.

Kalasagar, Editor - 64 Kalalu dot Com
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Vijay Kumar -


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